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doula brisbane

Post Partum Doula

A postpartum doula is a non-medical professional support for the parent who has given birth, as well as her partner and family.

Paola, your doula

Their expertise spans across emotional well-being, newborn care, breastfeeding guidance, light household tasks, and even providing you with those precious moments of respite. They’re not there to replace your instincts or diminish your abilities, but rather to empower you and reassure you that seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

A postpartum doula is your oasis of reassurance, providing a listening ear for your worries and a source of invaluable wisdom. I remind you that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. By nurturing your own well-being, you’re better equipped to nurture your little one. Their presence is a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey, and there’s a hand to hold whenever you need it.

Paola, your doula

What you’ll experience from me as your postpartum Doula:

This package has been designed carefully & thoughtfully to provide a holistic continuity of care and to enhance your motherhood journey on all levels.

What is included?

what is a doula

Post Partum Doula and Emotional Support

The transition into new parenthood can be a very vulnerable time, and postpartum doulas are experts in emotional support, active listening and encouraging new moms and dads to follow their own hearts. Empathy, a hug or even a good laugh together can do so much for a new parent!

During my visits with you and your family, I will facilitate your well-being, by helping you to understand the ways you have transitioned physiologically, hormonally and emotionally and nurture you as you navigate your way through these changes.

I will listen without judgement when you debrief your birth and I am there for a chat or cry. I will help you work with your baby brain (yes, this is real!) in a useful way, and increase your Oxytocin levels, a beautiful hormone that is released when we feel love & connection.

I will work intuitively to provide a warm, calm and comforting environment in your home, that inspires peace & joy. I will comfort, support & nurture you to facilitate bonding with your baby, feeding with confidence, and feeling in control of your parenting style.

Birth is not an isolated event, but a lifelong experience.

Emotional support from a postpartum doula is a vital and comforting aspect of their role, designed to help you navigate the emotional highs and lows that often come with the postpartum period.

Here's what emotional support from a doula might look like:

Listening and Understanding: A postpartum doula is there to lend a compassionate ear. They create a safe space for you to express your feelings, fears, and joys without judgment. Their attentive presence makes you feel heard and understood, fostering a sense of connection and validation.
Validation of Feelings: It’s common for new parents to experience a range of emotions, from elation to exhaustion, and sometimes even moments of doubt. A doula acknowledges that these feelings are natural and normal, providing reassurance that you’re not alone in your journey.
Empowerment: Your doula helps you build confidence in your parenting abilities. They offer guidance and encouragement, helping you trust your instincts and make informed decisions that align with your values and intuition.
Coping Strategies: If you encounter challenges or unexpected emotions, a doula can share coping strategies and techniques to manage stress, anxiety, or feelings of overwhelm. These might include breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and relaxation techniques.
Education: Emotional support often includes education about the emotional changes that can accompany childbirth and early parenthood. Understanding what to expect emotionally can help you feel more prepared and less alone. Affirmations: Doulas provide positive affirmations and reminders of your strength and resilience. These affirmations can serve as reminders during challenging moments, boosting your self-esteem and self-belief.
Encouragement: Whether it’s about breastfeeding, sleep routines, or finding your rhythm as a new parent, a doula encourages you to trust yourself and offers guidance without pressure. Their presence helps you believe in your ability to overcome challenges.
Soothing Presence: Just having a supportive and understanding person around can be incredibly soothing. The doula’s calm demeanour and genuine care create a comforting atmosphere that helps alleviate stress and anxiety.
Normalising Experiences: A doula shares stories and experiences to normalise the range of emotions you might be feeling. This helps you see that what you’re going through is part of the common human experience.
Referral to Additional Support: If you’re experiencing emotions that go beyond the usual ups and downs, a doula can help connect you with appropriate mental health professionals or support groups.

Overall, emotional support from a postpartum doula is tailored to your individual needs and can vary depending on your preferences and circumstances. Their goal is to provide a compassionate presence that helps you navigate this transformative time with greater ease and confidence.

Hugs are included!

Physical Support from Postpartum Doula

Birthing a baby is a physically fatiguing event, awkward positions can be held tightly in the body for numerous hours, and it’s common to feel ‘damaged’ and misaligned following birth.

I understand the physiology of pregnancy & birth, the adjustment to a birthing mother’s pelvic girdle and surrounding structures, and the common discomforts associating with spending long periods of time cradling and feeding your baby (or babies), whilst trying to wrangle a toddler.

I will show you how to bind your belly after birth and perform a beautiful closing ceremony for you.
doula brisbane
doula brisbane

Physical support from a postpartum doula is designed to help you recover, heal, and adjust to the physical changes that occur after childbirth.

Here's a glimpse of what physical support from a doula might entail:

Recovery Guidance: A doula provides information and guidance on physical recovery after childbirth, including what to expect in terms of postpartum bleeding, pain, and changes in your body.
Assistance with Self-Care: They might help you with activities like bathing, dressing, and general grooming. This support ensures that you’re taking care of yourself, even when you’re focused on caring for your newborn.
Breastfeeding Support: For those choosing to breastfeed, a doula can offer guidance on positioning, latch, and techniques to make breastfeeding more comfortable and successful.
Physical Comfort: Whether it’s providing you with pillows and cushions for better breastfeeding positioning or suggesting ways to improve your comfort during sleep, a doula focuses on your physical well-being.
Rest Encouragement: Doulas emphasize the importance of rest and sleep. They might offer suggestions for maximising your restful moments and creating a soothing sleep environment.
Providing Comfort Measures: Doulas often have training in various comfort measures, such as gentle massage, relaxation techniques, and the use of heat or cold packs to ease soreness.
Physical Activity Recommendations: Depending on your health and recovery status, a doula might offer advice on when and how to gradually reintroduce physical activity and exercise into your routine.
Resource Referral: If you need specific medical or physical support beyond their scope, a doula can help you connect with appropriate healthcare professionals or specialists.

Physical support from a postpartum doula is centered around helping you regain your strength, heal, and adapt to the demands of new parenthood while minimising physical stress and discomfort. The goal is to provide you with the tools and assistance you need to focus on your own well-being as you care for your new baby.

Doula and Practical Support

All hands on deck! Helping with light household chores, tidying up and laundry in the home helps newborn mother’s get on with the most important task they have, self-care & bonding with and caring for their baby.

I am happy to plan and cook hearty healthy and balanced meals, clean up kitchens, bathrooms, bed linen and laundry,tidying up toys etc… all light household tasks, entertaining siblings and I totally get how helping in a practical way goes a long way to helping a mother’s emotional well-being.

I can also assist with overseeing you feeding, bathing or settling your baby, and help you understand your baby’s cycle, reading body language & behavioural cues. I can show you some simple and effective burping techniques along with some calming and soothing baby massage techniques. I can help organise your village for long-term support and refer you to allied health professionals if needed.

what is a doula
what is a doula
Resource Recommendations: Doulas are knowledgeable about local resources, such as support groups, parenting classes, and healthcare providers, and can help you connect with them.
Time for Self-Care: By assisting with practical tasks, a doula creates windows of time for you to focus on self-care, rest, and spending quality moments with your newborn.
Birth Recovery Advice: If you’ve had a vaginal birth or a C-section, a doula can offer suggestions for post-birth recovery, including techniques to support healing and manage discomfort.
Communication Support: They can assist in communicating your needs and preferences with family members, allowing you to focus on your well-being and bonding with your baby.
Answering Questions: A doula is a reliable source of information for your questions related to baby care, postpartum changes, and parenting practices.
Problem-Solving: When you encounter challenges, a doula can work with you to find practical solutions that suit your family’s unique dynamics and circumstances.
Practical support from a postpartum doula is tailored to your specific needs and can adapt as your situation evolves. The goal is to lighten your load by taking care of tasks that can feel overwhelming during the postpartum period, allowing you to better focus on your recovery and bonding with your new addition.

Every family is unique, which means needs will be different, and could indeed change from visit to visit.
And that’s okay! I’ll adapt!

Evidence based Informational Support

I will offer resources to facilitate support for sleep, settling and daily routines of your baby to suit your parenting style.

I have up-to-date information regarding newborn tests, immunisations and SIDS.

Please be aware that you don’t need information overload at this time, the intention for any information provided is to build confidence and reinforce your own innate wisdom as your ‘baby’s expert’!
doula services

A doula is not just for labor and birth; she is a source of strength, comfort, and wisdom throughout the journey into motherhood.

Additional services that can be included at each visit

I’d love to hear from you and help you on this beautiful journey.